
Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica

Issns: 0102-7972;1678-7153
Áreas: Human Sciences

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(89 documentos)

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1Psychometric properties of the Brief-COPE for the evaluation of coping strategies in the Chilean population2018Psicologia: Reflexão e …61FE García, CG Barraza-Peña, A Wlodarczyk, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl16120.331543
2Planning theory-and evidence-based behavior change interventions: a conceptual review of the intervention mapping protocol2018Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica43G Kok, LWH Peters, RAC RuiterSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl24314.331433
3Perceived parenting and adolescents' adjustment2018Psicologia: Reflexão e …26J Jaureguizar, E Bernaras, P Bully, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl4268.67743
4Improving oral sentence production in children with cochlear implants: effects of equivalence-based instruction and matrix training2018Psicologia: Reflexão e …22AJ Neves, ACM Almeida-Verdu, GJA Assis, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl5227.33643
5The relationship of internalizing problems with emotional intelligence and social skills in secondary education students: gender differences2019Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica21C Salavera, P Usán, P TeruelSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl32110.5732
6Effects of a brief mindfulness-based intervention on emotional regulation and levels of mindfulness in senior students2018Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica18R Chiodelli, LTN Mello, SN JesusSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl10186633
7Achievement goals and life satisfaction: the mediating role of perception of successful agency and the moderating role of emotion reappraisal2018Psicologia: Reflexão e …18W Wang, J Li, G Sun, Z Cheng, X ZhangSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl23186453
8Emotional intelligence training intervention among trainee teachers: a quasi-experimental study2019Psicologia: Reflexão e …17R Gilar-Corbi, T Pozo-Rico, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl8178.5632
9Adaptation of fear of missing out scale (FoMOs): Turkish version validity and reliability study2019Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica17G Can, SA SaticiSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl13178.5922
10A study of the relationship between adverse childhood experiences, life events, and executive function among college students in China2018Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica17S Ji, H WangSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl9175.67923
11A controlled trial of a dissonance-based eating disorders prevention program with Brazilian girls2019Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica11ACS Amaral, E Stice, MEC FerreiraSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl11115.5432
12Predictors of problematic smartphone use among university students2020Psicologia: Reflexão e …10PG Laurence, Y Busin, HSC Lima, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl71010341
13Facial expressions and eye tracking in individuals with social anxiety disorder: a systematic review2019Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica10LKS Lima, EDB Assis, N TorroSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl45105332
14The Dusseldorf Illustrated Schema Questionnaire for Children (DISC)2018Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica10C Loose, F Meyer, R PietrowskySciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl29103.33333
15Multicomponent positive psychology intervention for health promotion of Brazilian retirees: a quasi-experimental study2019Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica10H Durgante, DD Dell'AglioSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl30105522
16Personality characteristics of a sample of violent adolescents against their partners2019Psicologia: Reflexão e …10MP Abilleira, ML Rodicio-García, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl12105332
17Factors associated with common mental disorders among female nursing professionals in primary health care2018Psicologia: Reflexão e …10I Lua, TM Araújo, KOB Santos, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl19103.33343
18Behavioral intervention for sleep problems in childhood: a Brazilian randomized controlled trial2019Psicologia: Reflexão e …9RE Rafihi-Ferreira, MLN Pires, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl1894.5332
19Psychometric properties of the complete version of the World Health Organization Quality of Life Assessment (WHOQOL-OLD): reduced response scale2018Psicologia: Reflexão e …9RLP Melo, EG Silva, RQ Souto, ÍS Leão, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl3893253
20Consciousness in Piaget: possibilities of understanding2018Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica9T StoltzSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl2093913
2118REST: a short RIASEC-interest measure for large-scale educational and vocational assessment2018Psicologia: Reflexão e …8RAM Ambiel, N Hauck-Filho, LO Barros, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl4882.67243
22Needs assessment for cultural adaptation of Strengthening Families Program (SFP 10-14-UK) in Brazil2018Psicologia: Reflexão e …8SG Murta, LA Nobre-Sandoval, MS Pedralho, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl4382.67243
23A comparative study of the effectiveness of group-based cognitive behavioral therapy and dialectical behavioral therapy in reducing depressive symptoms in Iranian …2018Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica8S Sahranavard, MR MiriSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl3382.67423
24Psychometric properties of the Brazilian version of the lived experience component of the Spiritual Health And Life-Orientation Measure (SHALOM)2018Psicologia: Reflexão e …8SAN Nunes, HM Fernandes, JW Fisher, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl3782.67243
25Couple relationship education program “Living as Partners”: Evaluation of effects on marital quality and conflict2018Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica8AP Neumann, A Wagner, E RemorSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl2882.67333
26Occupational stress and job dissatisfaction with health work2019Psicologia: Reflexão e …8CC Sousa, TM Araújo, I Lua, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl1584242
27Learning strategies scale: adaptation to Portuguese and factor structure2018Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica8LB Martins, T Zerbini, FJ MedinaSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl3982.67333
28The importance of early life touch for psychosocial and moral development2019Psicologia: Reflexão e …8D Narvaez, L Wang, A Cheng, TR Gleason, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl4784252
29Burnout syndrome in university professors and academic staff members: psychometric properties of the Copenhagen Burnout Inventory-Brazilian version2020Psicologia: Reflexão e …8FLR Rocha, LC Jesus, MHP Marziale, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl688241
30Metacognitive interventions in text production and working memory in students with ADHD2018Psicologia: Reflexão e …8NMT Pisacco, YLS Sperafico, JRB Enricone, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl4682.67243
31The mediational role of distracting stimuli in emotional word recognition2018Psicologia: Reflexão e …7C Moret-Tatay, A Lami, CR Oliveira, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl5572.33243
32The Academic Self-Regulation Questionnaire: a study with Portuguese elementary school children2019Psicologia: Reflexão e …7M Gomes, V Monteiro, L Mata, F Peixoto, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl1773.5152
33LARS&LISA: a universal school-based cognitive-behavioral program to prevent adolescent depression2018Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica7P Pössel, E Smith, O AlexanderSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl2672.33233
34Social skills training for drug users under treatment: a pilot study with follow-up2018Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica6J Limberger, I AndrettaSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl3662323
35Problematic and adaptive eating in people with obesity after a DBT-based skills training intervention: 3-and 8-month follow-up and mediation analysis2019Psicologia: Reflexão e …6LAS Souza, ACM Cancian, TG Castro, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl2763242
36Ethnic identities of immigrant and native adolescents: development and relationship to life satisfaction2018Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica6L LaraSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl4062613
37Psychometric properties of the Negative Stereotypes Towards Aging Questionnaire (CENVE) among a sample of Portuguese adults2018Psicologia: Reflexão e …6C Nunes, S Menéndez, C Martins, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl5462243
38Physical punishment of children by US parents: moving beyond debate to promote children's health and well-being2018Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica6C Miller-Perrin, R PerrinSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl5262323
39Moral identity test (MIT) for children: reliability and validity2019Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica5K Coskun, C KaraSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl3452.5322
40Maternal socialization goals and the spontaneous prosocial behavior of children in rural contexts2018Psicologia: Reflexão e …5BR Fonseca, LIC Cavalcante, J Kärtner, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl5051.67143
41Development of a computerized adaptive test to assess entrepreneurial personality2020Psicologia: Reflexão e …5Á Postigo, M Cuesta, I Pedrosa, J Muñiz, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl1455151
42Behavioral problems of school children: impact of social vulnerability, chronic adversity, and maternal depression2018Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica5AKB Martineli, FA Pizeta, SR LoureiroSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl5651.67233
43Mother-child interaction: implications of chronic maternal anxiety and depression2019Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica5EP Dib, FHP Padovani, GB PerosaSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl6452.5232
44Validity evidence of two short scales measuring the Big Five personality factors2019Psicologia: Reflexão e …5JA Laros, AJS Peres, JM Andrade, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl5152.5142
45Individual and contextual factors associated with sexual initiation among adolescents2020Psicologia: Reflexão e …4MF Furlanetto, DM Ghedin, TR Gonçalves, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl4144141
46Retirement preparation program: Evaluation of results2018Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica4TA Pazzim, AH MarinSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl6741.33223
47Relation between perceived emotional intelligence and social factors in the educational context of Brazilian adolescents2020Psicologia: Reflexão e …4M Vaquero-Diego, P Torrijos-Fincias, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl3144131
48Brief intervention for stress management and change in illness perception among hypertensive and normotensive workers: pilot study and protocol2018Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica4GE Pires, AC Peuker, EK CastroSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl7041.33133
49Irrelevant sound interference on phonological and tonal working memory in musicians and nonmusicians2019Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica4ACN Defilippi, RB Garcia, C GaleraSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl6542132
50The development of episodic foresight in preschoolers: the role of socioeconomic status, parental future orientation, and family context2019Psicologia: Reflexão e …4A Vásquez-Echeverría, C Tomás, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl4442132
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