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(125 documentos)

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1Bereavement, pathos, and clinical psychology: a phenomenological reading2018Psicologia USP20JL FreitasSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl6236.672013
2Multiple case studies: research strategy in psychoanalysis and education2018Psicologia USP17C CarneiroSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl3055.671713
3Internet addiction or problematic internet use? Which term should be used? 12019Psicologia usp16B Fernandes, BR Maia, HM PontesSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl2158532
4Theoretical and methodological assumptions of Bioecological Theory of Human Development: a research with juvenile offenders at treatment facilities2018Psicologia USP15V Coscioni, DB Nascimento, EM Rosa, SH KollerSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl4835443
5Big Data, ubiquitous exploitation, and targeted advertising: new facets of the cultural industry2018Psicologia USP12DC Antunes, AF MaiaSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl4144623
6Alzheimer's disease: the unique experience of family caregivers2020Psicologia USP10EBT Mattos, MJ KovácsSciELO Brasilarticleurl8910521
7Prejudice and bullying: marks of socially induced psychic regression1 22019Psicologia USP9JL CrochickSciELO Brasilarticleurl1434.5912
8The method at the center: field notes of a psychosocial research from an ethnographic perspective2018Psicologia USP8CF AndradaSciELO Brasilarticleurl2142.67813
9Autism in question: diagnostic historicity, clinical practice and parents' narratives2018Psicologia USP8C MerlletiSciELO Brasilarticleurl2312.67813
10The scenario after June 2013: crossed perspectives on political participation and resistance2018Psicologia USP8A Euzébios, RSL GuzzoSciELO Brasilarticleurl2212.67423
11Adolescence and adolescents in acts in the psychoanalytic clinic2018Psicologia USP8VS Jucá, AMR VorcaroSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl12012.67423
12Some considerations about the body in the current psychoanalytic scenario2018Psicologia USP8I Fortes, M Winograd, S PerelsonSciELO Brasilarticleurl2182.67333
13The question of subject in Foucault2018Psicologia USP7PF Souza, R FurlanSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl2452.33423
14Psychoanalysis and pop culture: myths in the contemporary era2018Psicologia USP7G Mano, M Corso, AO WeinmannSciELO Brasilarticleurl2132.33233
15Crack! Harm reduction has stopped, or was the death drive?2018Psicologia USP6ADA Bastos, S AlbertiSciELO Brasilarticleurl2032323
16Theoretical contributions on aging from the perspective of person-environment studies2018Psicologia USP6DS Albuquerque, DAR Amancio, IA Günther, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl7212243
17Maternal care styles in primates: considering a New World species12019Psicologia USP6MP Verderane, P IzarSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl1743322
18The Verleugnung in Freud: textual analysis and hermeneutical considerations2018Psicologia USP6C Drawin, J MoreiraSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl9922323
19Medicalization of childhood: between care and medication2018Psicologia USP5LJC AzevedoSciELO Brasilarticleurl1881.67513
20Haitian migration: the subject facing the (re) encounter with the excess2019Psicologia USP5AGG Nüske, MMK MacedoSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl5522.5322
21Image, body, and language in the usage of Grindr2019Psicologia USP5JGM Cardoso, BM Paz, KB Rocha, A PizzinatoSciELO Brasilarticleurl1912.5142
22Emotional activation in human beings: procedures for experimental stress induction2019Psicologia USP4SO FerreiraSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl1942412
23Between Speech and Act, there is much more than we could imagine2019Psicologia USP4M GuiradoSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl4322412
24Reading, understanding and learning in secondary education: approaches and perspectives2019Psicologia USP4LÁ RoldánSciELO Brasilarticleurl1482412
25Umbanda and quimbanda: black alternative to white morality2019Psicologia USP4JBB Carvalho, JFMH BairrãoSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl7312222
26Parental beliefs in the parenting process and their relations with adolescent behavior2020Psicologia USP4M Morales-CastilloSciELO Brasilarticleurl644411
27Voice hearers: a review about meaning and relationship with voices2018Psicologia USP4MLO Couto, LP KantorskiSciELO Brasilarticleurl1801.33223
28The image phenomenon in social psychology: some configurations 12018Psicologia USP4A AndrioloSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl5631.33413
29The bereavement therapeutics and its diagnostic criteria: possible contributions of Tatossian2019Psicologia USP4LHF Michel, JL FreitasSciELO Brasilarticleurl1592222
30Circumstance in José Ortega y Gasset: approaches to Jungian unconsciousness2018Psicologia USP3CK Magalhães, FA Silva, G CaldeiraSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl5931133
31A constituição da clínica psicanalítica I: um percurso histórico-crítico entre Freud e Ferenczi2019Psicologia USP3D KUPERMANNcitesurl14431.5312
32Analysis of how the terms 'chemical dependency,''toxicomania,'and 'drug addiction'are used in Psychology in Brazil2019Psicologia USP3PB Schimith, GAV Murta, SS QueirozSciELO Brasilarticleurl1841.5132
33Formation of authentic personality and the corporeity in the light of Edith Stein12018Psicologia USP3AG Coelho, CRA BarreiraSciELO Brasilarticleurl1861223
34Sports ideology and formation of the individual: contributions from the Critical Theory of Sports2018Psicologia USP3R CascoSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl13011313
35Polyphonies in analysis: the primary symbolization processes12019Psicologia USP3N Cidade, S ZornigSciELO Brasilarticleurl1661.5222
36Narrative research with drug-using women: a feminist ethnographic experience2018Psicologia USP3IS Queiroz, MAM PradoSciELO Brasilarticleurl2121223
37Construction of meanings and ambiguities in the context of internship supervision in psychology2020Psicologia USP3NO Silva, MA Pinheiro, CE LaurendonSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl3713131
38Sigmund Freud's clinical intuition in the field of psychosis2018Psicologia USP3J ZanchettinSciELO Brasilarticleurl2221313
39The mourning of relatives of persons disappeared in the Military Dictatorship and the movements of testimony2019Psicologia USP3CF Fustinoni, A CaniatoSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl6011.5222
40Experimental design in Behavior Analysis: discussion on its use in inclusive educational interventions12019Psicologia USP2P Benitez, C Domeniconi, RM BondioliSciELO Brasilarticleurl1521132
41The analyst as an historian: truth, interpretation and perplexity2018Psicologia USP2P Ambra, CP PaulonSciELO Brasilarticleurl1970.67123
42Patients, problems and borders: psychoanalysis and borderline cases2018Psicologia USP2GG Santos, GAR MelloSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl6920.67123
43A discourse analyst in the spectrum of autism treatments2018Psicologia USP2M GuiradoSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl13310.67213
44The story of life according to Walter Benjamin: contributions to identity studies2020Psicologia USP2AC Veiga, CP AlvesSciELO Brasilarticleurl942121
45The will in Vygotsky: contributions to the understanding of the “craving” in drug addiction2018Psicologia USP2JL Santos, MD VecchiaSciELO Brasilarticleurl2070.67123
46Waiting room of the bone marrow transplant outpatient clinic: patient and companion experiences2019Psicologia USP2DR Pereira, SP Lermontov, AMQ Maia, MR AssisSciELO Brasilarticleurl1791142
47The construction of a scale on the conceptions of disability: methodological procedures12018Psicologia USP2LP Leite, CBF LacerdaSciELO Brasilarticleurl1890.67123
48For a history of psychoanalysis' politics: institutionalization, formation and the analysts' political stance 12018Psicologia USP2JHP Palumbo, LEV Moreira, C HaritçaldeSciELO Brasilarticleurl2050.67133
49Discussing the Clinic and treatment of drug addiction: from discourse to subjective constitution12019Psicologia USP2AFDT Shimoguiri, MF Costa, SJ Benelli, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurl1921142
50Sabina Spielrein's theoretical views in her letter to Carl Gustav Jung (1917-1918)2019Psicologia USP2F CaropresoSciELO Brasilarticleurl1501212
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