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(183 documentos)

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1The delphi method: characterization and potentialities for educational research2018Pro-Posições81JBV Marques, D de Freitassearch.proquest.comarticleurlcitesurl21016274123
2The silencing of basic education teachers by the strategy of making them speak2018Pro-Posições15JM Carvalho, SG LourençoSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl25015823
3Catharsis as a category in didactics from the perspective of historicalcritical pedagogy 1 22019Pro-Posições14N DuarteSciELO Brasilarticleurl12771412
4Teacher training policies in Brazil: legal references in focus2019Pro-Posições13HLG Oliveira, ACR LeiroSciELO Brasilarticleurl2886.5722
5From potential to action: youth engagement in political parties2018Pro-Posições11AK Brennersearch.proquest.comarticleurl3373.671113
6An introduction to the seven fundamental concepts of translative research-teaching: the SIS ACCE file2018Pro-Posições10SM CorazzaSciELO Brasilarticleurl2863.331013
7Secularism, Religious teaching and religiosity in Brazilian public schools: questions and reflections2018Pro-Posições10GA Valentesearch.proquest.comarticleurl3153.331013
8Research on education, youth and politics: reflections and perspectives2018Pro-Posições10K Tomizaki, M Daniliauskassearch.proquest.comarticleurl3293.33523
9Drawing practices and geometric knowledge in the Textbooks of the 19th century2018Pro-Posições10MCL SilvaSciELO Brasilarticleurl2943.331013
10Partisanship, life cycles and political socialization in Brazil2018Pro-Posições9LTA Okado, EA Ribeiro, DCM Lazaresearch.proquest.comarticleurl3343333
11Quotas for the access of public school graduates to higher education2018Pro-Posições9NC BatistaSciELO Brasilarticleurl3523913
12Levels of anxiety and depression among early childhood education and primary education teachers12019Pro-Posições9RQ Ferreira-Costa, N Pedro-SilvaSciELO Brasilarticleurl2224.5522
13Tutoria universitária como prática de ensino: fundamentos e métodos para o desenvolvimento de planos de ação tutorial na universidade2019Pro-Posições9JLA GarcíaSciELO Brasilarticleurl2494.5912
14The journey of school knowledge in High School and the concept of refraction12018Pro-posições8I Goodson, MIFPS RosaSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl982.67423
15Didactics and Physical Education teacher education: an analysis based on graduation student assessment1 2Pro-Posições7GB Cruz, PHZC CastroSciELO Brasilarticleurl219042
16Child mental health in the school context: the perceptions of educators1 22019Pro-Posições6MFB Cid, CE Squassoni, DA Gasparini, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl2723242
17Quotas policy, curriculum and identity construction of medical students at a public university2018Pro-Posições6CC Wickbold, V Siqueirasearch.proquest.comarticleurlcitesurl32112323
18Waiting for Superman: A cultural studies analysis in the nightmare of the present2018Pro-Posições6G Huddleston, RJ HelfenbeinSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl3362323
19Cultura e formação: a ideia de formação humana na sociedade contemporânea 12019Pro-Posições5PL GoergenSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl652.5512
20Teachers of nursing: gender, trajectories of work and of formation2018Pro-Posições5CB Andrade, MI Monteirosearch.proquest.comarticleurl3311.67323
21Environmental onto-epistemology: vestiges and displacements in the field of fundamentals of environmental education2019Pro-Posições5VA Pereira, SG Freire, MP SilvaSciELO Brasilarticleurl2682.5232
22Monitoring and evaluation in the State Education Plans aligned to the new National Education Plan2018Pro-Posições5JSS Menezes, DB SouzaSciELO Brasilarticleurl2761.67323
23Context assessment in early childhood education: differentiation and conflict in teacher training2018Pro-Posições4LM Schlindwein, J Diassearch.proquest.comarticleurl3171.33223
24Distance collaborative consultation in assistive technology for teachers: planning, implementation, and evaluation of a case study1 22019Pro-Posições4DS Calheiros, EG Mendes, GF Lourenço, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl6412142
25Plays and games of Pantanal children: a study in an “escola das águas”” 12020Pro-Posições4R Zaim-de-Melo, RM Duarte, MRN SambugariSciELO Brasilarticleurl784131
26The use of cognitive instruments for research in early childhood education: constraints and possibilities in the Brazilian context 1 2 3 42020Pro-Posições4TL Bartholo, MC Koslinski, M Costa, P Tymms, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl2844151
27Jacques Rancière–school, production, equality2018Pro-Posições4AGQR do Amaralsearch.proquest.comarticleurl3121.33413
28Evaluation in and of Early Childhood Education. Context Evaluation2018Pro-Posições4AJ Martins Filho, JS CastroSciELO Brasilarticleurl2841.33223
29A country of education? An analysis of the proposals for the Brazilian public education2018Pro-Posições4K Lockmann, R Machadosearch.proquest.comarticleurl3321.33223
30Conscientization and Education: action and reflection that change the world2018Pro-Posições4N Agostinisearch.proquest.comarticleurl3101.33413
31Kindergarden teacher training for inclusion of students with special educational needs: a collaborative research12019Pro-Posições4CR VitalianoSciELO Brasilarticleurl1542412
32Masculinities, femininities and playful dimension: reflections on gender and teaching in Early Childhood Education12019Pro-Posições3PD Prado, VS AnselmoSciELO Brasilarticleurl791.5222
33Young people and politics: from malaise to new forms of expression in public life. Interview with Anne Muxel2018Pro-Posições3K Tomizaki, M Daniliauskassearch.proquest.comarticleurl3041223
34Problematizando o campo de saber da educação ambiental1, 22019Pro-Posições3LS Silva, PC HenningSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl3831.5222
35Local knowledge on the formation of socially vulnerable youth in the M'Boi Mirim region and its surroundings2018Pro-Posições3TLC Matheus, LD Oliveirasearch.proquest.comarticleurl3331223
36Pedagogization of literacy and indigenous Guarani and Kaiowá students of Dourados/MS2018Pro-Posições3MMG Bruno, IRCS SouzaSciELO Brasilarticleurl3001223
37“Promover a partir de dentro”: uma abordagem reflexiva e participativa da avaliação de contextos educativos112018Pro-Posições3D SavioSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl6631313
38Considerations on Brazilian Teacher Training Indicators12020Pro-Posições3RC Schwerz, NNM Deimling, CV Deimling, DC SilvaSciELO Brasilarticleurl1373141
39Semiformation and artificial intelligence in teaching12020Pro-Posições3LFAA Campos, LACN LastóriaSciELO Brasilarticleurl823221
40Interpretação como des-ocultamento: contribuições do pensamento hermenêutico e fenomenológico-existencial para análise de dados em pesquisa …2019Pro-Posições2L Szymanski, H Szymanski, FL FachimSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl6221132
41The universe of supervision: an inclusive approach in the field of professional integration2018Pro-Posições2EMG Morgado, LLF Silva, JB RodriguesSciELO Brasilarticleurl3490.67133
42Contributions to the study of teachers' associativism2019Pro-Posições2LN XavierSciELO Brasilarticleurl2171212
43Continued Education of teachers working in undergraduate courses2018Pro-Posições2AM Xavier, LJ Steilsearch.proquest.comarticleurl3050.67123
44Pedagogical documentation as a peculiar narrative in nursery2018Pro-Posições2LP SimianoSciELO Brasilarticleurl2800.67213
45Bedrooms of contemporary children: the construction of a new object of research12019Pro-Posições2CN CarvalhoSciELO Brasilarticleurl2181212
46The effects of the adult-writer´ s identity and belongingness on the reconstruction of childhood memories2018Pro …2AM de Oliveira Galvão, LM de Resende Neiva,
47Playing in Pedagogy students' discourses: suspended certainties12019Pro-Posições2CM Marques, SB Fernandes, ET SilvaSciELO Brasilarticleurl2121132
48The teaching of literature and the negativity of the literary2018Pro-Posições2A Cechinelsearch.proquest.comarticleurl3070.67213
49Childhood and promise: notes based on the thought of Theodor Adorno2018Pro-Posições2P da Silva Santossearch.proquest.comarticleurl3080.67213
50Pro-Posições and higher education 1 2 32019Pro-Posições2H SampaioSciELO Brasilarticleurl751212
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