

Issns: 0104-6497;2358-2936
Áreas: Biological Sciences

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1Aegla chilota, new species of anomuran freshwater crab from Chiloé Island, western Patagonia2018Nauplius11CG Jara, M Pérez-Losada, KA CrandallSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl1113.67433
2Catalogue of terrestrial isopods (Crustacea, Isopoda, Oniscidea) from Brazil: an update with some considerations2018Nauplius9IS Campos-Filho, GM Cardoso, JO AguiarSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl7693333
3New endemic species of freshwater crayfish Parastacus Huxley, 1879 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Parastacidae) from the Atlantic forest in southern Brazil2018Nauplius8AF Huber, FB Ribeiro, PB AraujoSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl282.67333
4Freshwater crabs (Decapoda: Brachyura: Pseudothelphusidae, Trichodactylidae) from the state of Roraima, Brazil: species composition, distribution and new …2018Nauplius6F Zanetti, PM Castro, C MagalhãesSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl862233
5A compilation of longevity data in decapod crustaceans2019Nauplius4G VogtSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl1342412
6Shell occupation by the land hermit crab Coenobita violascens (Anomura, Coenobitidae) from Phuket Island, Thailand2018Nauplius4T BundhitwongrutSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl1541.33413
7Population and reproductive biology of two caprellid species (Crustacea: Amphipoda) associated to Sargassum cymosum (Phaeophyta: Fucales) on the …2019Nauplius3ICP Garcia, KVS Cunha, GB JacobucciSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl7131.5132
8New records of Cladocera (Crustacea: Branchiopoda) from the Tomo River, Vichada, Colombia2018Nauplius3JM Fuentes-Reinés, L Elmoor-Loureiro, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl2231133
9Population size of Aegla longirostri Bond-Buckup and Buckup, 1994 (Crustacea, Decapoda, Anomura): comparison of methods with the mark-recapture …2018Nauplius3JS Baumart, GB Cogo, FEC Morales, S SantosSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl6531143
10Color patterns of the hermit crab Calcinus tibicen (Herbst, 1791) fail to indicate high genetic variation within COI gene2018Nauplius3SS Mandai, RC Buranelli, FL MantelattoSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl4331133
11Biometrical and morphological analyses of Macrobrachium olfersii (Wiegmann, 1836)(Crustacea, Decapoda, Palaemonidae) embryos exposed to UVA and …2018Nauplius3YMR Müller, T Quadros, H Schramm, VMC Weiss, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl1431153
12Richness and large-scale distribution of marine benthic caridean shrimps (Decapoda: Caridea) from the Eastern Tropical Pacific2018Nauplius3B Martínez-Guerrero, A López-PérezSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl8631223
13Infestation of two shrimp species of the genus Palaemon Fabricius, 1798 (Decapoda, Palaemonidae) by an isopod of the genus Probopyrus Giard & Bonnier …2018Nauplius3BGN Pralon, M Antunes, RC Mortari, SLS Bueno, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl1931153
14A new “extreme” type of mantis shrimp larva2018Nauplius2C Haug, P Wagner, JM Bjarsch, F Braig, JT HaugSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl9220.6753
15New records of the shrimp Periclimenes crinoidalis Chace, 1969 (Decapoda: Palaemonidae) and its crinoid host Nemaster grandis AH Clark, 1909 …2019Nauplius2JA Vera-Caripe, CFL Gómez, GC Tucker, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl4521142
16A new genus and species of thamnocephalid fairy shrimp (Branchiopoda: Anostraca) from Argentina (Chubut Province)2018Nauplius2DC Rogers, M Archangelsky, P PessacqSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl6620.67133
17Decapod abundance and species richness in the bycatch of Xiphopenaeus kroyeri (Heller, 1862) fishery, Santa Catarina, southern Brazil2019Nauplius2G Stanski, GRL Goncalves, RC Grabowski, MR Wolf, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl822152
18Population structure of two freshwater amphipods (Crustacea: Peracarida: Hyalellidae) from southern Brazil2018Nauplius2AV Ozga, VS Castro, DS CastiglioniSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl3320.67133
19New records of two species of freshwater crabs (Decapoda: Gecarcinucidae) from Kerala, India, with notes on their distribution2019Nauplius2SK Pati, PS Sujila, AR DeviSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl1821132
20Dynamics of a subtropical population of the purse crab Persephona punctata (Decapoda: Brachyura: Leucosiidae) in Southeastern Brazil2020Nauplius2JF Perroca, DR Herrera, AL Castilho, RC CostaSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl1022141
21Umalia trirufomaculata (Davie and Short, 1989) in India, with a note on the taxonomy of U. misakiensis (Sakai, 1937)(Decapoda: Brachyura: Raninidae)2019Nauplius2PKL Ng, KK Bineesh, RR Kumar, R RavineshSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl621142
22Prohibiting pet crayfish does not consistently reduce their availability online2018Nauplius2Z FaulkesSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl1620.67213
23New species and first record of Alloniscus Dana, 1854 (Isopoda: Oniscidae: Alloniscidae) from Brazil2018Nauplius2IS Campos-Filho, GM Cardoso, JO AguiarSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl4720.67133
24Detailed description of some mantis shrimp larvae and their implication for the character evolution within Stomatopoda2020Nauplius2J Wiethase, JT Haug, C HaugSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl2722131
25Setogenesis and characterization of the new moult substages in the freshwater shrimp Palaemon argentinus (Nobili, 1901)(Caridea: Palaemonidae)2019Nauplius1K Foguesatto, LEM Nery, MM SouzaSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl2110.532
26Carcinoplax mistio, a new species of goneplacid crab from the Indian Ocean (Decapoda: Brachyura: Goneplacoidea)2019Nauplius1PKL Ng, S MitraSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl2410.5122
27First confirmed record of the sesarmid crab, Parasesarma bengalense (Davie, 2003)(Decapoda: Brachyura) in Indian waters2019Nauplius1SK Pati, V Rani, PS Sujila, SB NandanSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl2610.542
28Extension of geographical range and first record of Trizocarcinus Rathbun, 1914 (Brachyura: Euryplacidae) from the Western Tropical South Atlantic2020Nauplius1FA Alves-Júnior, PKL Ng, P Castro, FL Mantelatto, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl641151
29A new record of Kisakiellus aweti Sousa & Elmoor-Loureiro, 2018 (Cladocera, Chydoridae) from the Amazon region2018Nauplius1L Elmoor-Loureiro, FDR Sousa, GM Rocha, JC Féres, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl5810.3353
30First record of the genus Anuropodione Bourdon, 1967 (Crustacea: Isopoda: Bopyridae) from the South Atlantic2019Nauplius1FA Alves-Júnior, CB Boyko, RJC Paiva, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl7710.542
31First record and range extension of the Jewel Box clam crab Gemmotheres chamae (Roberts, 1975) to the Gulf of Mexico, with comments on the systematics of …2020Nauplius1E Campos, JL Hernández-AguileraSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl911121
32Growth and longevity of the spider crab Libinia ferreirae (Majoidea, Epialtidae)2020Nauplius1GRL Gonçalves, LF Miazaki, EA Bolla Junior, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl381141
33New species of Acanthochondria Oakley, 1930 and Chondracanthus Delaroche, 1811 (Copepoda: Cyclopoida: Chondracanthidae) parasitizing marine fishes …2020Nauplius1PT Aneesh, AK Helna, AB KumarSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl551131
34External marking of terrestrial isopods (Isopoda, Oniscidea): efficiency of materials and influence on feeding behavior2019Nauplius1DC Kenne, PB Araujo, GLG SoaresSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl1210.532
35Tracking of spatial changes in the structure of the zooplankton community according to multiple abiotic factors along a hypersaline lagoon2020Nauplius1JCL Rosa, LL Batista, WM Monteiro-RibasSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl481131
36Population structure of Hepatus pudibundus (Decapoda: Aethridae) off the coast of Sergipe State, northeastern Brazil2020Nauplius1J Reis-Júnior, KMF Freire, LC Rosa, TMRR BarretoSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl51141
37Composition, abundance, and diversity of limnetic cladocerans (Crustacea: Anomopoda and Ctenopoda) in a black-water lake in the Negro River basin …2018Nauplius1AR Ghidini, EN Santos-SilvaSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl8810.33123
38Do the day/night periods and tidal cycles modulate the abundance and distribution of Callinectes danae Smith, 1869 (Brachyura, Portunidae) in an estuary …2020Nauplius1RA Pescinelli, HA Koury, GL Bochini, M Lopes, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl251151
39Larval export strategy as an indication of ontogenetic migrations towards open sea of the fiddler crab Leptuca leptodactyla (Rathbun, in Rankin, 1898) …2020Nauplius1SB Martins, UAT Silva, S MasunariSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl281131
40Morphology of stomatopod larvae from National Parks: Sistema Arrecifal Veracruzano and Arrecife Puerto Morelos, Mexico2018Nauplius1S Cházaro-Olvera, M Ortiz, I Winfield, R Robles, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl7910.3353
41Occurrence and distribution of early juvenile land hermit crabs at a small beach on the Boso Peninsula, Japan2020Nauplius1S Inutsuka, K Hamasaki, S Dan, S KitadaSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl111141
42The crustacean collection at the National Institute of Mata Atlântica (INMA), former Professor Mello Leitão Biology Museum (MBML)2020Nauplius1JL Segadilha, TGA RodriguesSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl5111121
43The stony coral Agaricia tenuifolia Dana, 1848 as a new gall crab host (Decapoda: Cryptochiridae)2018Nauplius1GWNM van Moorsel, SET van der MeijSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl8010.33123
44First record of the cliff crab Plagusia depressa (Fabricius, 1775)(Decapoda: Plagusiidae) from the coast of Sergipe, Brazil2018Nauplius1LC Rosa, RB Santos, KMF FreireSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl10910.3333
45Monitoring mangrove crab Ucides cordatus Linnaeus, 1763 (Crustacea: Ucididae) landing in the Parnaíba River Delta: fishing characteristics, social and economic …2018Nauplius1FHS Fogaça, LC Fernandes-Góes, LO Souza, KP Silva, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl9310.3353
46Diversity of coastal mysids from Pulau Tinggi, Sultan Iskandar Marine Park, Malaysia2018Nauplius1HS Tan, AA RahimSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl8710.33123
47Populations of Flavalona setigera (Brehm, 1931) in Brazil belong to a new species: Flavalona asymmetrica (Cladocera: Chydoridae: Aloninae)2018Nauplius1FDR Sousa, L Elmoor-LoureiroSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl7510.33123
48First record of Oithona attenuata Farran, 1913 (Crustacea: Copepoda) from Brazil2019Nauplius1JCL Rosa, WM Monteiro-Ribas, LL Batista, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl10810.542
49A new Northeast Asian Lynceus (Crustacea: Branchiopoda: Laevicaudata) with uniquely modified thoracopods and an evaluation of DNA barcoding for clam …2020Nauplius1Z Sigvardt, S Shu, M Alonso, M Ventura, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl31151
50Growth, age at sexual maturity, longevity and natural mortality of Alpheus brasileiro (Caridea: Alpheidae) from the south-eastern coast of Brazil2020Nauplius1RA Pescinelli, LF Miazaki, RC CostaSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl41131
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