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1A brief review on hydroxyapatite production and use in biomedicine2019Cerâmica54DS Gomes, AMC Santos, GA Neves, RR MenezesSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl153271442
2Wastes from pulp and paper mills-a review of generation and recycling alternatives2018Cerâmica47L Simão, D Hotza, F Raupp-Pereira, JA Labrincha, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl24715.67953
3Evolution and characterization of eggshell as a potential candidate of raw material2018Cerâmica46T Zaman, M Mostari, MAA Mahmood, MS RahmanSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl34615.331243
4Comparative study on zinc oxide nanocrystals synthesized by two precipitation methods2018Cerâmica19MR Bodke, Y Purushotham, BN DoleSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl5196.33633
5Estudo e avaliação de agregados reciclados de resíduo de construção e demolição para argamassas de assentamento e de revestimento2018Cerâmica15H Carasek, ACC Girardi, RC Araújo, R Angelim, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl94135353
6Influence of lithium (Li + ), sodium (Na+ ) and potassium (K+ ) on the rheology of Brazilian bentonites for use in water-based drilling fluids2018Ceramica12IA da Silva, FKA de Sousa, RR Menezes, GA Neves, ...inis.iaea.orgarticleurlcitesurl50514253
7Evolution of phase morphology in dispersed clay systems under the microwave irradiation2018Cerâmica12AG Chetverikova, MM Filyak, ON KanyginaSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl7124433
8Proposal of a ceramic obtained by geopolymerization of calcined sludge from WTP2018Ceramica11GZB Santos, JA Melo Filho, L Manzatoinis.iaea.orgarticleurlcitesurl50113.67433
9Study of the behavior and characterization of bentonitic clays after lyophilization process2018Cerâmica10MCP Machado, JT Langbehn, CM Oliveira, F Elyseu, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl1063.33253
10Synthesis of ordered mesoporous silica MCM-41 with controlled morphology for potential application in controlled drug delivery systems2019Cerâmica10DM Oliveira, AS AndradaSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl6105522
11Hydraulic fracturing proppants2018Cerâmica10VPP De Campos, EC Sansone, G SilvaSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl9103.33333
12Elaboration and characterization of mullite-anorthite-albite porous ceramics prepared from Algerian kaolin2018Cerâmica10F Rouabhia, A Nemamcha, H MoumeniSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl12103.33333
13Avaliação de novos depósitos de argilas provenientes da região sul do Amapá visando aplicação na indústria cerâmica2018Cerâmica9AL Silva, CBB Luna, AC Chaves, GA NevesSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl17873243
14Dielectric and electrical properties of a mullite/glass composite from a kaolinite clay/mica-rich kaolin waste mixture2019Cerâmica9JPF Grilo, HPA Alves, AJM Araújo, RM Andrade, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl894.5252
15Caracterização óptica e estrutural de ortoferritas de lantânio dopadas com cromo e alumínio2018Cerâmica9JLS Dutra, GCB Dantas, PM Pimentel, FM Aquino, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl15983253
16Argamassas com resíduos para revestimento isolante térmico de parede pré-moldada de concreto2018Cerâmica8PM Passos, H CarasekSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl16182.67423
17Influence of the geometry of ceramic specimens on biaxial flexural strength: experimental testing and finite element analysis2018Cerâmica8JS Ramos, S Fraga, GF Vogel, LG MaySciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl2882.67243
18The use of tire rubber in the production of high-performance concrete2019Cerâmica8FM Silva, EJP Miranda, JMC Dos Santos, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl1984242
19Conversão catalítica do etanol sobre catalisadores suportados em ZSM-52018Ceramica7DS Lima, OW Perez-LopezSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl18672.33423
20Estudo do equilíbrio e da cinética de adsorção da rodamina B em bentonitas purificadas2018Cerâmica7JF Duarte Neto, IDS Pereira, VC da Silva, HC Ferreira, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurl3732.33153
21Evaluation of thermal treatment on magnetic catalyst Ni 0.5 Zn 0.5 Fe 2 O 4 and its catalytic activity in biodiesel production by simultaneous …2019Ceramica7AL Silva, AFF Farias, A CostaSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl11123.5232
22Effect of carboxymethylcellulose on the rheological and filtration properties of bentonite clay samples determined by experimental planning and statistical …2018Cerâmica7BMA Brito, PM Bastos, AJA Gama, JM Cartaxo, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl2072.33153
23Tribological behavior of hydrogenated WC/aC: H coatings deposited by three different sputtering techniques2019Cerâmica7F Lofaj, M Kabátová, M Klich, D Medveď, V GirmanSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl3973.5152
24Evaluation of the addition of soda-lime glass and yerba mate wastes in ceramic matrix2019Cerâmica7ARA Scharnberg, AV Preibbnow, RM da Silva, ...inis.iaea.orgarticleurlcitesurl49853.5242
25Influência da composição e das variáveis de processamento de formulações à base de argilas-uso em materiais refratários2018Cerâmica7JMR Figueiredo, IMM Fernandes, VJ Silva, GA Neves, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl24952.33153
26Controlling sintering and grain growth of nanoceramics2019Cerâmica7RHR CastroSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl473.5712
27Influence of the fabrication method on the fracture behavior of all-ceramic prosthesis2018Cerâmica6AC Piccoli, M BorbaSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl5862323
28Development and characterization of sustainable lightweight geopolymer composites2019Cerâmica6HM KhaterSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl1763612
29Metakaolin and red ceramic based geopolymers production2018Ceramica6AGS Azevedo, K Strecker, CT Lombardinis.iaea.orgarticleurlcitesurl50412233
30Mechanical properties of mortar produced with the replacement of natural sand by scheelite residue2019Ceramica6BA Medeiros, GA Neves, NP Barbosa, RR Menezes, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl1663152
31Factorial design and statistical analysis of smectite clay treatment by hydrocyclone2018Cerâmica6AJA Gama, JMR Figueirêdo, ALF Brito, MA Gama, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl3762153
32Resíduo do processo Kraft (dregs) como matéria-prima alternativa para cerâmica vermelha2019Cerâmica6LR Rodrigues, ER Rodrigues, CB Albani, AS dos Reis, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl14463152
33Photodegradation of Rhodamine B catalyzed by ZnO pellets2019Cerâmica6TMO Ruellas, GHS Domingos, LOO Peçanha, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl4063242
34Evaluation of the pozzolanic activity of red ceramic waste using mechanical and physicochemical methods2019Cerâmica6RA Araújo, ALR de Menezes, KC Cabral, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl1563242
35Substitution effect of Y3+ ions on the structural, magnetic and electrical properties of cobalt ferrite nanoparticles2019Cerâmica6SS Satpute, SR Wadgane, K Desai, DR Mane, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl6923152
36Effect of thermal treatment on the catalytic activity of a Fe-rich bentonite for the photo-Fenton reaction2019Cerâmica5BM Zimmermann, S Silvestri, J Leichtweis, GL Dotto, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl2452.5152
37Evaluation of Portland pozzolan blended cements containing diatomaceous earth2019Cerâmica5P Abrão, FA Cardoso, VM JohnSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl6452.5232
38Dissolution kinetics of Amazonian metakaolin in nitric acid2018Cerâmica5PEA Lima, RS Angélica, RF NevesSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl7051.67233
39Alkaline earth stannates applied in photocatalysis: prospection and review of literature2018Cerâmica5LMC Honorio, MVB Santos, EC da Silva, JA Osajima, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl2551.67153
40Avaliação das propriedades físicas, químicas e mineralógicas da fração fina (< 150 µm) do agregado reciclado de RCD2019Cerâmica5RLS Ferreira, MAS Anjos, JES Pereira, NJM Fonseca, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl23942.5152
41Utilization of gypsum from construction and demolition waste in Portland cement mortar2019Cerâmica5MLP Antunes, A Sá, PS Oliveira, EC RangelSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl7352.5142
42Effect of sol-gel processing parameters on structure of zirconia2019Cerâmica5DG Da Silva, WL VasconcelosSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl6352.5322
43Avaliação reológica da hidroxiapatita2018Cerâmica5NK Porsani, V Trombini, PA Ana, LFG SetzSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl23851.67143
44Cinza de biomassa rica em calcário como material carbonático em sistemas cimentícios de base Portland2019Cerâmica4JEF Nascimento, ACV Nóbrega, HC Ferreira, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl24042142
45Influência do tipo de solvente na síntese de mulita pelo método Pechini2019Cerâmica4ANS Braga, VN Simões, HL Lira, GA Neves, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl18042152
46Synthesis and characterization of asphalt composite precursors using amorphous rice husk silica2019Cerâmica4S Sembiring, R Situmeang, Z SembiringSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl3042132
47On mechanical properties and bioactivity of PVDF-BCP composites2018Cerâmica4LM Silva, JM Rosso, TGM Bonadio, DM Silva, GS Dias, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl4441.33163
48Catalisadores à base de níquel com estrutura perovskita: síntese e testes catalíticos na produção de gás de síntese2018Cerâmica4EO Moraes Júnior, JO Leite, AG Santos, MJB Souza, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurl4001.33153
49Influence of cure conditions in the rheology of the new bentonitic clay deposits of Paraíba2018Cerâmica4ICG Morais, IA Silva, B Buriti, RR Menezes, GA Neves, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurl1391.33163
50Evaluation of the reactive potential of additions of red ceramic waste and comminuted concrete of CDW in cement matrix2019Ceramica4F Brekailo, E Pereira, E Pereira, J Hoppe Filho, ...inis.iaea.orgarticleurl5082152
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