
Ciência e Agrotecnologia

Issns: 1413-7054;1981-1829
Áreas: Agricultural Sciences

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1Manejando plantas daninhas resistentes ao glyphosate com cultura de cobertura associada a rotação e mistura de herbicidas2018… e Agrotecnologia42A Marochi, A Ferreira, HK Takano, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurl259141143
2Tropical soils characterization at low cost and time using portable X-ray fluorescence spectrometer (pXRF): Effects of different sample preparation methods2018… e Agrotecnologia26SHG Silva, EA Silva, GC Poggere, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl3268.67743
3Portable X-ray fluorescence (pXRF) spectrometry applied to the prediction of chemical attributes in Inceptisols under different land uses2018… e Agrotecnologia23AFS Teixeira, DC Weindorf, SHG Silva, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl2237.67643
4Chilling requirements and dormancy evolution in grapevine buds2018Ciência e Agrotecnologia21R Anzanello, FB Fialho, HP SantosSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl4217733
5Adsorption and availability of phosphorus in response to humic acid rates in soils limed with CaCO3 or MgCO32018… e Agrotecnologia20HJGM Maluf, CA Silva, N Curi, LD Norton, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl10206.67453
6Challengs in coffee quality: Cultural, chemical and microbiological aspects2018Ciência e Agrotecnologia20CJ Pimenta, CL Angélico, SM ChalfounSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl7206.67733
7Chemical composition and antioxidant capacity of coffee pulp2018… e Agrotecnologia19GM Ameca, MEO Cerrilla, PZ Córdoba, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl12176.33543
8Soybean waste in particleboard production2018… e Agrotecnologia19EH Martins, AP Vilela, RF Mendes, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl11196.33543
9Microencapsulation of Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM incorporated with mannitol and its storage stability in mulberry tea2019Ciência e agrotecnologia17WL Yee, CL Yee, NK Lin, PL PhingSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl5178.5442
10Production and mechanical evaluation of biodegradable composites by white rot fungi2018… e Agrotecnologia14JL Teixeira, MP Matos, BL Nascimento, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl14144.67443
11Use efficiency and responsivity to nitrogen of common bean cultivars2019… e Agrotecnologia13FT Leal, VA Filla, JVT Bettiol, FOT Sandrini, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl8136.5352
12Parameters based on X-ray images to assess the physical and physiological quality of Leucaena leucocephala seeds2018… e Agrotecnologia12AD Medeiros, JO Araújo, MJZ León, LJ Silva, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl17124253
13Agronomic biofortification of carrot with selenium2018… e Agrotecnologia12VC Oliveira, V Faquin, KC Guimarães, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl21124343
14Silvopastoral systems drive the nitrogen-cycling bacterial community in soil2018… e Agrotecnologia11FMR Barros, GGM Fracetto, FJC Fracetto, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl24113.67343
15Calibration methods for the Hargreaves-Samani equation2018… e Agrotecnologia11LB Ferreira, FF Cunha, AB Duarte, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl38103.67343
16Estimates of soil losses by the erosion potential method in tropical latosols2019… e Agrotecnologia11GHE Lense, TC Parreiras, RS Moreira, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl13115.5342
17Monoammonium phosphate coated with polymers and magnesium for coffee plants2018… e Agrotecnologia9DR Guelfi, WFT Chagas, JR Lacerda, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl4093243
18Chitosan film incorporated with Garcinia atroviridis for the packaging of Indian mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta)2018Ciência e Agrotecnologia9NBK Zaman, NK Lin, PL PhingSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl2393333
19Moisture sorption isotherms of sunflower seeds: Thermodynamic analysis2019… e Agrotecnologia9RC Campos, PC Correa, IR Zaidan, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl2084.5242
20Assessment of soil loss vulnerability in data-scarce watersheds in southern Brazil2018… e Agrotecnologia9AA Steinmetz, F Cassalho, TL Caldeira, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl2593243
21Digital elevation model quality on digital soil mapping prediction accuracy2018Ciência e Agrotecnologia8EM Costa, A Samuel-Rosa, LHC AnjosSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl2982.67333
22Aeration frequency on accelerated composting of animal carcasses2018… e Agrotecnologia8MM Oliveira, A Coldebella, P Belli, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl3082.67243
23Agro-economic responsiveness of radish associations with cowpea in the presence of different amounts of Calotropis procera, spatial arrangements and agricultural …2018… e Agrotecnologia8RLC Nunes, F Bezerra, JSS Lima, AP Barros, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl3782.67253
24Heuristic methods applied in reference evapotranspiration modeling2018… e Agrotecnologia8D Althoff, HC Bazame, R Filgueiras, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl4682.67243
25Associação de biocarvão com fertilizante fosfatado e sua influência na eficiência de uso do fósforo pelo milho2019… e Agrotecnologia8SR Santos, JF Lustosa Filho, L Vergütz, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurl2934242
26Cultivation of strawberry in substrate: Productivity and fruit quality are affected by the cultivar origin and substrates2018… e Agrotecnologia8MI Diel, MVM Pinheiro, LA Thiesen, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl6472.67243
27Produção da salsa em condições hidropônicas sob soluções nutritivas salobras isosmóticas2019… e Agrotecnologia8JB Martins, JA Santos Júnior, FJ Silva Júnior, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurl2684242
28Preservative solutions on quality and biochemical aspects of calla lily flowers2018… e Agrotecnologia7TS Sales, PDO Paiva, HH Siqueira, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl5772.33243
29Modified arrowroot starch and glucomannan for preserving physicochemical properties of sweet bread2020… e Agrotecnologia7D Damat, RH Setyobudi, P Soni, A Tain, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl677151
30Physiological responses of rabbits fed with diets containing rapeseed meal, white lupine and pea seeds as soybean meal substitutes2018… e Agrotecnologia7A Gugołek, J Juśkiewicz, D Kowalska, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl5272.33243
31Flavonoids and their aromatic derivatives in Piper betle powder promote in vitro methane mitigation in a variety of diets2020… e Agrotecnologia7RAP Purba, S Paengkoum, C Yuangklang, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl977241
32Weed interference periods in sesame crop2019… e Agrotecnologia7HA Lins, MF Souza, JRT Albuquerque, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl2673.5242
33In vitro adventitious shoot regeneration from leaf explants of some apricot cultivars2019… e Agrotecnologia6OV Mitrofanova, IV Mitrofanova, TN Kuzmina, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl3563242
34LC-MS/MS analysis of neonicotinoid insecticides: Residue findings in chilean honeys2018… e Agrotecnologia6R Bridi, A Larena, PN Pizarro, A Giordano, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl7362153
35Thermosonication processing of quince (Cydonia Oblonga) juice: Effects on total phenolics, ascorbic acid, antioxidant capacity, color and sensory properties2019Ciência e Agrotecnologia6S Yıkmış, H Aksu, BG Çöl, M AlpaslanSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl1963242
36Production of biocomposites from the reuse of coconut powder colonized by Shiitake mushroom2019… e Agrotecnologia6MP Matos, JL Teixeira, BL Nascimento, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl3163242
37Effectiveness of carboxylic acids from Pichia membranifaciens against coffee rust2018… e Agrotecnologia6RLA Melchor, VG Rosales, MCG Pérez, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl6562243
38Organic brown sugar and jaboticaba pulp influence on water kefir fermentation2019… e Agrotecnologia5TM Destro, DF Prates, LS Watanabe, S Garcia, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl3952.5152
39Correcting field determination of elemental contents in soils via portable X-ray fluorescence spectrometry2020… e Agrotecnologia5TSB Dijair, FM Silva, AFS Teixeira, SHG Silva, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl1655151
40Do different arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi affect the formation and stability of soil aggregates?2019… e Agrotecnologia5MV Barbosa, DF Pedroso, N Curi, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl4152.5142
41Toxicity of Cymbopogon flexuosus essential oil and citral for Spodoptera frugiperda2018… e Agrotecnologia5ER Oliveira, DS Alves, GA Carvalho, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl6251.67143
42Response of dual-purpose wheat to nitrogen fertilization and seed inoculation with Azospirillum brasilense2019… e Agrotecnologia5MP Quatrin, CJ Olivo, GD Simonetti, VF Bratz, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl4252.5152
43In vitro propagation of Campomanesia rufa: An endangered fruit species2018… e Agrotecnologia5CRO Sant'Ana, R Paiva, MV Reis, DPC Silva, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl7551.67153
44Concentração de sacarose e do volume de meio líquido no crescimento e desenvolvimento in vitro da amoreira cv. Tupy em um sistema de imersão temporária2019… e Agrotecnologia5RA Ayub, JN Santos, LA Zanlorensi Junior, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurl2902.5142
45Genetic diversity in natural populations of Hancornia speciosa Gomes: Implications for conservation of genetic resources2018… e Agrotecnologia5CG Fajardo, DF Costa, KPT Chagas, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl12241.67143
46Variability and genetic diversity study in an advanced segregating population of rice with bacterial blight resistance genes introgressed2018Ciência e Agrotecnologia4P Govintharaj, S Manonmani, S RobinSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl9641.33133
47Cell suspension culture as a means to produce polyphenols from date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.)2018Ciência e Agrotecnologia4PM Naik, JM Al-KhayriSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl6941.33223
48Millet irrigation with treated wastewater: Gas exchange response and nutrient accumulation2020… e Agrotecnologia4MM Reis, AJ Silva, LDT Santos, ÉMG Lopes, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl6644151
49In vitro conservation of Poincianella pyramidalis (Tul.) LP Queiroz under minimal growth conditions2019… e Agrotecnologia4TS Silva, CF Nepomuceno, TL Soares, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl4742142
50Soil management and ionic strength on selenite retention in oxidic soils2018… e Agrotecnologia4AM Araujo, JHL Lessa, LA Ferreira, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl7741.33143
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