
Pesquisa Brasileira em Odontopediatria e Clínica Integrada

Issns: 1983-4632

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(447 documentos)

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1Comparative evaluation of remineralizing potential of a paste containing bioactive glass and a topical cream containing casein phosphopeptide-amorphous …2019Pesquisa brasileira em …349R Rajendran, RN Kunjusankaran, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl1349174.511632
2Three-rooted mandibular first molars in a Saudi Arabian population: A CBCT study2018… e clinica integrada60SR Patil, G Maragathavalli, K Araki,
3Comparative study of the efficacy of newer antioxitands lycopene and oxitard in the treatment of oral submucous fibrosis2018… e Clinica Integrada21SR Patil, N Yadav, IA Al-Zoubi,
4Streptococcus colonial growth of dental plaque inhibition using flavonoid extract of ants nest (Myrmecodia pendans): an in vitro study2019Pesquisa Brasileira em …19MH Achmad, S Ramadhany, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl2199.5632
5Assessment of maximum bite force in oral submucous fibrosis patients: A Preliminary Study2020… em Odontopediatria e …19SR Patil, G Maragathavalli, D Ramesh, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl191919541
6Efficacy of mouthwash from aloe vera juice after scaling treatment on patient with gingivitis: A clinical study2018Pesquisa Brasileira em …17AM Adam, MH Achmad,
7Chronology of the first deciduous tooth eruption in Brazilian children with microcephaly associated with zika virus: a longitudinal study2018… e Clinica Integrada16YPC Aguiar, AFC Cavalcanti,
8COVID-19-related challenges in dental education: experiences from Brazil, the USA, and Australia2020Pesquisa Brasileira em …15KG Peres, P Reher, RD Castro, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl91515441
9Factors associated with knowledge and attitude of management of traumatic dental injuries: a cross-sectional study among Turkish dentists2018Pesquisa Brasileira em Odontopediatria e …15B Buldur, A
10Salivary glands, saliva and oral findings in COVID-19 infection2020Pesquisa Brasileira em …14MS Pedrosa, CR Sipert, FN NogueiraSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl31414531
11Comparative Evaluation of Antimicrobial Efficacy of Silver, Titanium Dioxide and Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles against Streptococcus mutans.2018… e clinica integrada14PB Kambalyal, K Shanmugasundaram,
12Evaluation of patient satisfaction on quality of public dental health service from different dimensions in Indonesia2018… e Clinica Integrada14R Samad, FH Akbar, BD Pasiga,
13Covid-19 pandemic: Oral repercussions and its possible impact on oral health2020… em Odontopediatria e …14PP Maciel, H Martelli Júnior, DRB Martelli, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl131414441
14Evaluation of peri-implant bone reduction levels from superimposition perspective: pilot study among Ukrainian implantology practice2018Pesquisa Brasileira em …13M Goncharuk-Khomyn, K
15Primary tooth extraction pattern among turkish children with severe early childhood caries treated under general anesthesia2020Pesquisa Brasileira em Odontopediatria e …12M Candan, B BuldurSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl351212621
16Relationship between health service access to dental conditions in urban and rural areas in Indonesia2019Pesquisa Brasileira em …12FH Akbar, S Pasinringi, AH AwangSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl4126432
17Gender and age differences in patient satisfaction with dental care in the urban and rural areas of Indonesia: Pilot pathfinder survey2018Pesquisa Brasileira em …11FH Akbar, U
18Anti-Cancer and Anti-Proliferation Activity of Ethyl Asetat Extract From Ant Nest (Myrmecodia pendans) in Burkitt's Lymphoma Cancer Cells2019… em Odontopediatria e …11MH Achmad, S Horax, S Ramadhany, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl12115.5342
19Factors affecting dental center service quality in indonesia2019Pesquisa Brasileira em …10FH Akbar, S Pasinringi, AH AwangSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl8105332
20Regeneration of salivary gland defects of diabetic Wistar rats post human dental pulp stem cells intraglandular transplantation on acinar cell vacuolization and …2020… em Odontopediatria e …10IB Narmada, V Laksono, AP Nugraha, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl51010341
21Risk factors of dental caries: Consumption of sugary snacks among indonesian adolescents2019… em Odontopediatria e …10L Lendrawati, S Pintauli, A Rahardjo, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl20105342
22Knowledge and self perception about preventive dentistry among Indonesian dental students2018Pesquisa Brasileira Em …10R Pratiwi, FH Akbar, A Abdullah,
23Why do women avoid dental visits during pregnancy? A cross-sectional survey in al madinah, Western Saudi Arabia2018… e Clinica Integrada10N Dar-Odeh, SM Binsaad, RA Gasim,
24Prevalence of Caries and Periodontal Disease Among Indonesian Pregnant Women2019… em Odontopediatria e …9U Tedjosasongko, F Anggraeni, ML Wen, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl1894.5242
25A cone beam computed tomography study of the prevalence of pulp stones in a Saudi Arabian adolescent population2018… e Clinica Integrada9SR Patil, K Araki, H Abd Ghani,
26determinant factors of dental caries in indonesian children age 8-12 years2018… em Odontopediatria e …8MH Achmad, S Ramadhany, S Mudjari,
27New post-COVID-19 biosafety protocols in pediatric dentistry2020… em Odontopediatria e …8LM Amorim, TT Maske, SH Ferreira, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl788241
28Economic impact of new biosafety recommendations for dental clinical practice during COVID-19 pandemic2020… em Odontopediatria e …8YW Cavalcanti, RO Silva, LF Ferreira, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl1688241
29Clinical and laboratory grounds for the rational selection of filling material for the restoration of deciduous teeth2018… e Clinica Integrada8OV Klitynska, AA Vasko, VO Borodach,
30Supernumerary teeth: A retrospective cross-sectional study from Palestine2020Pesquisa Brasileira em …7NZ Arandi, A Abu-Ali, S MustafaSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl1177231
31Defining the prevalence of molar incisor hypomineralization in Brazil2020… em Odontopediatria e …7FMF Silva, Y Zhou, FGF Vieira, FM Carvalho, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl1077151
32High mobility group box 1 and heat shock protein-70 expression post (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate in East Java green tea methanolic extract administration …2020… em Odontopediatria e …7AP Nugraha, IB Narmada, PI Sitasari, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl1477241
33The COVID-19 pandemic-a global public health crisis: a brief overview regarding pharmacological interventions2020Pesquisa Brasileira Em Odontopediatria e Clínica …7M HaqueSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl677711
34Antibiotic self-medication for oral conditions: Characteristics and associated factors2018… e Clinica Integrada6N Dar-Odeh, B Othman, RH Bahabri,
35Evaluation of palatal rugae pattern in identification and sex determination in Indian children2018Pesquisa Brasileira em …6P Babaji, SA Jalal,
36Hidden behind dental trauma: child physical abuse?2018Pesquisa Brasileira em Odontopediatria e Clinica …6HC Güngö
37Pulse rate change after childhood anxiety management with modeling and reinforcement technique of children's dental care2019… em Odontopediatria e …6MH Achmad, S Horax, SS Rizki, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl3763242
38Tooth erosion association with obesity: findings from a Brazilian survey in schoolchildren2018… e Clinica Integrada6MMS Salas, F Vargas-Ferreira,
39Behavior management in pediatric dentistry: an overview and interpretation2019Pesquisa Brasileira em Odontopediatria e Clínica …6B
40Analysis of risk factors of biopsychosocial with early childhood caries (ECC) in Indonesian pre-school children2019… em Odontopediatria e …6MH Achmad, R Pratiwi, S Sugiharto, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl4063242
41Getting to Know SARS-CoV-2: Towards a Better Understanding of the Factors Influencing Transmission2020… em Odontopediatria e …5SA Elsayed, O Abu-Hammad, AB Alolayan, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl1555141
42Knowledge of primary school teachers regarding dental trauma management in Hail Region, Saudi Arabia2020… em Odontopediatria e …5YS Altamimi, AA Siddiqui, S At-Tamimi, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl4255141
43Effect of the application of chlorella vulgaris ointment to the number of fibroblast cells as an indicator of wound healing in the soft tissue of pig ears2020… em Odontopediatria e …5E Machmud, M Ruslin, R Waris, RA Asse, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl6855151
44Assessment of awareness about various dental waste management practices among dental students and practicing clinicians2020… em Odontopediatria e …5S Puri, K Smriti, KC Pentapati, R Singh, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl2955151
45Disparities in caries experience and socio-behavioural risk indicators among private school children in Lagos, Nigeria2020Pesquisa Brasileira em …5OO Olatosi, A Oyapero, NK OnyejakaSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl8755231
46Oral cancer knowledge among a sample of elderly people in Depok City, West Java, Indonesia2018Pesquisa Brasileira em …5YS Wimardhani, AI Soegyanto,
47Effect of fruit juices and other beverages on loss of tooth structure2018… e Clínica Integrada5S Mathew, AM Luke, T Walia, AG Masri,
48Torsional Resistance of Two New Heat Treated Nickel Titanium Rotary Instruments: An in Vitro Evaluation2020… em Odontopediatria e …5G Gambarini, G Miccoli, DD Nardo, ...SciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl2155141
49Assessing expectant mothers' knowledge and beliefs about oral healthcare during infancy and pregnancy: A cross sectional survey in Saudi Arabia2018… e Clinica Integrada5O Abu-Hammad, SM Binsaad, RA Gasim,
50Vertical cephalic index, dental arch and palatal depth measurement: A study in Bataknese children2019Pesquisa Brasileira em …5A Primasari, N Ria, H SutadiSciELO Brasilarticleurlcitesurl5552.5232
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